Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Redfish (Sebastes spp., Uer, Sébaste, Chèvre, Rotbarsch

Season: all year, size up to 1 metre, weight up to 15 kg. The fish There are two main species in the redfish family, the common redfish (Sebastus marinus) and rosefish (Sebastus mentella) , both of which are common in Norwegian waters. Redfish are found along the edge of the continental slope, at depths of 100 to 500 metres, although individual specimens have been caught at depths of up to 900 metres. In the Norwegian Sea and the Arctic Ocean, redfish are pelagic and live in large shoals. Redfish migrate in the summer. Fully matured redfish have their feeding grounds in the Barents Sea, where they mate in the period August to October. In the winter, they migrate south to their spawning grounds off the Vesterålen archipelago. Fishery The largest catches of redfish are taken by trawlers in the north of Norway. In the spring, fishermen in this part of the country go out specifically to catch redfish along the edge of the continental shelf as far north as Bjørnøya. Secondary catches of redfish are taken all year in most of the Norwegian economic zone and in the waters around Svalbard. Fishing methods Trawler, Danish seine nets, nets. Use Redfish is a tasty food fish, with oily meat that stays fresh for a long time, but which tastes best salted.Sold as fresh filet and as salted whole fish or filet. Fresh filet can be fried or broiled and used in various dishes. You can boil salt Norway redfish. Nutritional value The fat content of redfish can vary quite considerably, but it usually contains approx. 1 gramme of omega-3 fatty acids per 100 g fillet. Redfish is also a good source of protein